Nenad Bach Band International Newsletter No. 21: Everything is Forever Released, Lisinski Recap

Newsletter December 19, 2012

Everything is Forever has been released! In Croatia and Slovenia the CD can be bought at stores carrying the Scardona label. On the Internet, the album is available for download at: The album retails for $14.99 online but for the next 48 hours, the album will be made available for download at the discounted price of $12.99! 


The band had a wonderful time in Zagreb and at Lisinski Hall. Special thanks go out to Safet and Sandra Kahric of Extra-Dar and Goran Bakic for organizing the concert. We would also like to thank Victor Zimet of Home Team Productions and Zoran Orlic who made the trip across the Atlantic to record video and phtotograph the concert. The concert itself will be rebroadcast on Croatian Radio Television in January,  day and time TBA. 

Finally regarding the concert are some reactions to the show:

The performance was as elegant as the setting. The band was really tight, they sounded great. I think the audience was spellbound. They were feeling it. Nenad was interacting with the crowd, and unfortunately I couldn’t understand much, but I got the sense from the warm response that it was more meaningful than most rock banter. The song VUKOVAR, which is about a city devastated during the war — it was harder hit than any city since WWII — brought people to tears. With this song Nenad was joined by a Klapa group, which traditionally sings a cappella. The audience had never heard the ancient folk music as it was sung infused with Nenad’s rock sound. They were mesmerized.  - Victor Zimet Home Team Productions

A first-rate artistic experience in Lisinski. A humanitarian concert for the home for abandoned children on Nazorova street. Nenad Bach with Croatian soul and an American passport, his band and guests gave a fantastic performance, and were on stage for two hours in the big hall. The public was delighted as I and my wife Ana were. The order of rock, verses messages and dances were mainly of universal themes of love. With the emotional song “Vukovar” in its English version, enchanting performance and with help from Klapa Sinj, Bach brought the public on its feet. He admitted later that he sang the song Vukovar after a hundred rehearsals. He simply could not, his voice betrayed him. Until Vukovar had awakened the full strength in his heart.

Nenad, brash like a spring plant like a dandelion blossoming above the grass, a pale face full of spirit and love that rules the stage with the excellent sounds of his American band. With his recognizable black hat and shirt that his mother sewed, a guitar on his shoulder and playing the keyboards with his fingers wrote his history of love and life between the United States and Croatia.

His guests were the young Marko Tolja from Rijeka, the festive Miroslav Škoro from the Slavonian plain were honored with the invitation. Radojka Šverko, better than many world famous divas and Klapa Sinj “Our Lady of Sinj, miracle of the world” meshed excellently with Bach’s rock. They performed together in the United States as well. The fantastic Arsen Dedić, the best Croatian poet-musician, accompanied by Klapa Sinj performed the immortal Ujević. 

With the concert, music and love, Nenad Bach threw a stone of culture into the deep Adriatic Sea, which merges with all of the world’s oceans. Between musical numbers, this great artist and good man speaks: world peace is possible in one hour, violence in the world is unnecessary and can be avoided if we desire love more. 

Nenad Bach’s life is music and song. Humanity, music, verses and smile embolden sad people. The homeland was elated and mesmerized. Croatia, for him exists wherever there is love, in roots, and homeland. Where his children are. His Ivo, Ana and Lea have come back from the United States to Croatia to study medicine and Veterinary medicine. In the company of their friends from all corners of the world, and proud of their father, they enjoyed themselves at the concert. 

Nenad Bach, wondrous and curious, a man of creation, beauty and goodwill, loves Croatia and asks for nothing in return. He is indeed the best Croatian ambassador of art and culture in the United States.

After his powerful and touching concert, in the company of world renowned and recognized dramatist, Miro Gavran and his wife Mladena, a brilliant actress and director, Ana and I hug Nenad Bach and congratulate him from our hearts on the establishment of a unique musical and cultural bridge between the United States and Croatia, between all people of this world.

Nenad Bach, a simple philosopher of life, artist of music and words, a beacon of light and goodwill, tirelessly gathers and networks exceptional and notable Croats around the world. This virtual Croatian power on Bach’s electronic pages could tomorrow become a true force for the development of a new Croatia. For that to happen we need emotions, love, creation, entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge and a heart that vibrates for the homeland. 

Delighted with Bach’s music, that ties worlds together, the skies and the North Star, we applaud Nenad Bach, the world traveling musician of hope and love, quoting his message of “peace and love are all we need, from beauty arises goodwill, and from goodwill, the truth.”

Goodbye Nenad, we will listen to your music that connects human, earthly and divine, we will call you or exchange e-mails. We await the enchanting symphony of victory of mankind and your next concert in the homeland.

Thanks you great artist and good man.  – Branimir Bilić / essay from his forthcoming book “Zapisi savjesti” (Inscriptions of Conscience)

Vrhunski umjetnički doživljaj u "Lisinskom". Humanitarni koncert za napuštenu djecu iz Nazorove. Nenad Bach s hrvatskom dušom i američkom putovnicom, sa svojim bandom i gostima u izvanrednoj svirci, dva sata na pozornici velike dvorane. Publika oduševljena, kao i ja i moja supruga Ana. Red rocka, red stihova, pjesme, poruka i plesa-uglavnom, univerzalne ljubavne teme. Emotivnom pjesmom „Vukovar“ u engleskoj verziji i čudesnoj izvedbi, uz pomoć klape Sinj, dignuo je Bach publiku na noge. Priznaje kasnije da je pjesmu Vukovar otpjevao nakon sto puta probe. Jednostavno, nije mogao, glas ga je izdao. Dok se Vukovar nije punom snagom u njegovu srcu probudio. 

Nenad, krhak kao proljetna biljka,kao maslačak rascvjetan iznad trave, blijeda lica, s puno duše i ljubavi vlada pozornicom uz izvrsnu svirku svoga američkog banda. U prepoznatljivom crnom šeširu i u košulji koju mu je šivala majka, s gitarom na ramenu i prstima na tipkama klavira ispisuje povijest ljubavi i života između SAD-a i Hrvatske.

Njegovi gosti, mladi Marko Tolja iz Rijeke i zabavni Miroslav Škoro iz slavonske ravnice, bili su počašćeni pozivom. Radojka Šverko bolja od mnogih svjetskih diva, a klapa Sinj "Gospe sinjska-čudo svita", odlično se sljubila s Bachovim rockom.Uostalom, zajedno su nastupali i u SAD-u. Fantastični Arsen Dedić, najbolji hrvatski glazbenik-pjesnik i najbolji pjesnik-glazbenik, u pratnji klape Sinj, izvodi besmrtnog Ujevića.

Koncertom, glazbom i ljubavlju Nenad Bach je bacio kamenčić kulture u duboko more Jadransko, koje se stapa sa svim morima svijeta. Između glazbenih brojeva, taj veliki umjetnik i dobri čovjek govori: svjetski mir je moguće ostvariti u sat vremena, nasilje na planetu je nepotrebno i moguće ga je izbjeći ako budemo više željni ljubavi. 

Nenadu Bachu život je glazba i pjesma. Ljudskošću, glazbom, stihovima i osmijehom ohrabrue tužne ljude. Domovinom je ushićen i opčinjen. Hrvatska mu je tamo gdje mu je ljubav, u korjenima, u zavičaju. Tamo gdje su mu djeca. Njegovi Ivo, Ana i Lea vratili su se iz SAD-a u Hrvatsku studirati medicinu i veterinu. U društvu svojih prijateljica i prijatelja sa svih strana svijeta, ponosni na oca, uživali su u koncertu. 

Nenad Bach, začudan i znatiželjan, čovjek kreacije, ljepote i dobrote, Hrvatsku ljubi tako da ne traži ništa zauzvrat. On je zaista najbolji hrvatski ambasador umjetnosti i kulture u SAD-u.

 Poslije snažnog, dirljivog i dojmljivog koncerta, u društvu vrsnog hrvatskog dramatičara, svjetski poznatog i priznatog Mire Gavrana i njegove supruge Mladene, sjajne glumice i redateljice, Ana i ja grlimo Nenada Bacha, od srca mu čestitamo na uspostavi jedinstvenog glazbnog i kulturnog mosta ljubavi između SAD-a i Hrvatske, između svih ljudi ovoga svijeta.

 Nenad Bach, jednostavni filozof života, umjetik glazbe i riječi, lučonoša svijetla i dobrote. neumorno skuplja i umrežava izvrsne i vrijedne hrvatske ljude širom svijeta. Ta virtualna hrvatska snaga na Bachovoj elektronskoj stranici, već sutra može postati stvarna razvojna snaga nove Hrvatske. Za takvo što potrebni su emocija, ljubav, kreacija, poduzetnički duh, znanje i domovinske vibracije srca.

 Oduševljeni Bachovom glazbom, koja spaja svijetove, nebo i zvijezdu sjevernjaču, pozdravljamo se s Nenadom Bachom, svjetskim glazbenim putnikom ljubavi i nade citirajući njegovu poruku“mir i ljubav su nam jedino potrebni, iz ljepote nastaje dobrota, iz dobrote, istina".

 Doviđenja Nenade, slušat ćemo tvoju glazbu, koja spaja ljudsko, zemaljsko i božansko, nazvati te telefonom ili razmjeniti e-mail poruke. Čekamo čudesnu simfoniju pobjede čovječnosti i tvoj novi koncert u Domovini.

 Hvala ti veliki umjetniče i dobri čovječe. - Branimir Bilić/ esej iz knjge u pripremi "Zapisi savjesti"

Thank you all for all of your support! Have a blessed holiday season! We WILL go higher in 2013!